Originally published at: Why calibrate? IoT systems work with raw data - Golioth
One of my first engineering jobs was in the Test and Measurement space. Tracing everything back to standards and calibration is a key part of the process. It takes a long time and is taken very seriously. I had many learning experiences that reinforced the importance of calibration (despite my tongue-in-cheek article title). IoT devices often don’t have the luxury of being as accurate: the cost of sensors, the power usage of analog measurements, the “awake” windows for battery power devices… all of these things contribute to different priorities while measuring the physical world. However, if you have a precise (repeatable) sensor, you can utilize the trend of the data in a useful way. If you ARE going to calibrate, it’s normally done in a sensor library. For certain sensors, Zephyr excels at this. There are built in sensor libraries that return standard values. You can even pull calibrated and normalized readings from the sensor in real time from Zephyr’s sensor shell. I consistently use sensors like the BME280 and the LIS2DH in my reference designs since it is really easy to add the readings to the pile of data I send back to Golioth. What happens when a sensor driver is not in tree and I don’t want to go about writing my own sensor driver? I pull the raw readings to the cloud and work with them there! Prototyping, not production When you are trying to prove your IoT system can work or test out a business idea, you don’t always start by making production ready designs. But you can still make useful designs by pulling raw data readings. I did this recently with an i2c sensor that was…