Which board to order nRF9160-DK or nRF9160 WRL-17354?

I am confused on which device is necessary to purchase (nRF9160-DK or nRF9160 WRL-17354). According to the webpage OBD-II / CAN Asset Tracker - nRF9160 DK Follow-Along Guide | Golioth Projects. The build sheet list the nRF9160-DK. However, on the OBD-II / CAN Asset Tracker | Golioth Projects in the overview section it list the " SparkFun Thing Plus - nRF9160 WRL-17354". Are these components for the same project or did I overlook something?

Hey @rprysork,

We use internally developed hardware called Aludel Elixir for developing Reference Designs, which is now open source. It’s in a smaller form factor than the nRF9160 DK. It also has the nRF9160 SoC, but it has MikroE Click headers, allowing us to swap sensors to showcase different IoT use cases easily.

Since Aludel Elixir is not commercially available, we created the Follow-Along Guide for our Reference Desings based on the nRF9160 DK. It offers the same functionality but with off-the-shelf hardware.

The Follow-Along Guide parts list contains everything you will need to purchase, so the nRF9160 DK is the board you need :slight_smile:

Hey Marko,
Thanks for answering my question so fast. Since I’ve purchased the SparkFun Thing nRF9160 WRL-17354 should I return it or can it be used to replace the nRF9160 DK? Is it possible for someone to update the page with this information, so as to clarify what parts should be used to re-create the design that is presented? Moving forward, I will use the Follow-Along Guide parts list explicitly as specified to prevent spending in error.

Hey @rprysork,

I would advise you to purchase the nRF9160 DK since the Follow-Along Guide is targeting that development board.