I have modified the Golioth Basics function to only update firmware after receiving a RPC call. When I make this call the firmware successfully updates and restarts to the new firmware version however, after the device restarts again it boots into the old firmware version. Here is the code for the rpc call and the check to start updating:
This also restarts the device thus activating the next part of the code:
// For OTA, we will spawn a background thread that will listen for firmware
// updates from Golioth and automatically update firmware on the device
if(nvs_read_golioth_upd()[0] == '1'){
golioth_fw_update_init(client, _current_version);
Log output showing the final part of the update, rebooting into new version (1.3.4) then restarting and booting into old firmware version (1.3.3):
Timestamp Level Module Message Metadata
Today at 2:40:38 PM INFO example_wifi Connected to AP SSID: sparta
Today at 2:40:38 PM INFO golioth_example The current command is: 00000.CON.1
Today at 2:35:36 PM INFO golioth_rpc RPC observation established
Today at 2:35:36 PM INFO example_wifi Connected to AP SSID: sparta
Today at 2:35:36 PM INFO golioth_example The current command is: 00000.CON.1
Today at 2:35:36 PM INFO golioth_example The device Wifi SSID: sparta
Today at 2:35:35 PM INFO golioth_example The device serial number is: LBSCon_556004
Today at 2:35:35 PM INFO golioth_example The current payment info is: 1
Today at 2:35:35 PM INFO golioth_basics Entering endless loop
Today at 2:35:35 PM INFO golioth_basics Curent Firmware is: 1.3.3
Today at 2:35:35 PM INFO golioth_basics Hello, Golioth!
Today at 2:35:35 PM INFO golioth_basics Golioth client connected
Today at 2:34:54 PM INFO golioth_rpc RPC observation established
Today at 2:34:54 PM INFO golioth_example The current command is: 00000.CON.1
Today at 2:34:54 PM INFO golioth_example The device Wifi SSID: sparta
Today at 2:34:54 PM INFO golioth_example The device serial number is: LBSCon_556004
Today at 2:34:53 PM INFO golioth_example The current payment info is: 1
Today at 2:34:53 PM INFO golioth_basics Entering endless loop
Today at 2:34:53 PM INFO golioth_basics Curent Firmware is: 1.3.4
Today at 2:34:53 PM INFO golioth_basics Hello, Golioth!
Today at 2:34:53 PM INFO golioth_basics Golioth client connected
Today at 2:34:53 PM INFO golioth_coap_client_libcoap Golioth CoAP client connected
Today at 2:34:53 PM INFO golioth_coap_client_libcoap Entering CoAP I/O loop
Today at 2:34:52 PM INFO libcoap Setting PSK key
Today at 2:34:52 PM INFO golioth_coap_client_libcoap Session PSK-ID: 20240516224725-lbscon_556004@esp32testproject
Today at 2:34:52 PM INFO golioth_coap_client_libcoap Start CoAP session with host: coaps://coap.golioth.io
Today at 2:34:52 PM INFO golioth_basics Waiting for connection to Golioth...
Today at 2:34:45 PM INFO golioth_fw_update Rebooting into new image in 1 seconds
Today at 2:34:44 PM INFO golioth_fw_update Rebooting into new image in 2 seconds
Today at 2:34:43 PM INFO golioth_fw_update Rebooting into new image in 3 seconds
Today at 2:34:43 PM INFO golioth_fw_update Rebooting into new image in 4 seconds
Today at 2:34:42 PM INFO golioth_fw_update Rebooting into new image in 5 seconds
Today at 2:34:42 PM INFO esp_image segment 4: paddr=002abea8 vaddr=40088208 size=1617ch ( 90492)
Today at 2:34:41 PM INFO esp_image segment 3: paddr=001e0020 vaddr=400d0020 size=cbe80h (835200) map
Today at 2:34:41 PM INFO esp_image segment 2: paddr=001d7e10 vaddr=40080000 size=08208h ( 33288)
Today at 2:34:41 PM INFO esp_image segment 1: paddr=001d2224 vaddr=3ffbdb60 size=05be4h ( 23524)
Today at 2:34:41 PM INFO esp_image segment 0: paddr=001a0020 vaddr=3f400020 size=321fch (205308) map
Today at 2:34:41 PM INFO fw_update_esp_idf Setting boot partition
Today at 2:34:41 PM INFO golioth_dfu main(UPDATING): ready state
Today at 2:34:41 PM INFO golioth_fw_update State = Updating
Today at 2:34:41 PM INFO golioth_dfu main(DOWNLOADED): ready state
Today at 2:34:40 PM INFO golioth_fw_update State = Downloaded
Today at 2:34:40 PM INFO esp_image segment 4: paddr=002abea8 vaddr=40088208 size=1617ch ( 90492)
Today at 2:34:40 PM INFO esp_image segment 3: paddr=001e0020 vaddr=400d0020 size=cbe80h (835200) map
Today at 2:34:40 PM INFO esp_image segment 2: paddr=001d7e10 vaddr=40080000 size=08208h ( 33288)
Today at 2:34:40 PM INFO esp_image segment 1: paddr=001d2224 vaddr=3ffbdb60 size=05be4h ( 23524)
Today at 2:34:40 PM INFO esp_image segment 0: paddr=001a0020 vaddr=3f400020 size=321fch (205308) map
Today at 2:34:40 PM INFO fw_block_processor Total bytes written: 1187920
Today at 2:34:40 PM INFO fw_block_processor Max: 5120 ms
Today at 2:34:39 PM INFO fw_block_processor Min: 150 ms
Today at 2:34:39 PM INFO fw_block_processor Block Latency Stats:
Today at 2:34:39 PM INFO golioth_fw_update Download took 314570 ms
Today at 2:34:39 PM INFO fw_block_processor Downloading block index 1160 (1161/1161)
Today at 2:34:39 PM WARN golioth_coap_client_libcoap CoAP message retransmitted
Today at 2:34:36 PM INFO fw_block_processor Downloading block index 1159 (1160/1161)
Today at 2:34:36 PM INFO fw_block_processor Downloading block index 1158 (1159/1161)
Today at 2:34:35 PM INFO fw_block_processor Downloading block index 1157 (1158/1161)
I have some idea of what is happening but I need to sync up with my colleagues before I have a definitive solution for you.
After rebooting into a new image, MCUboot waits for confirmation that the new image is running correctly. The golioth_fw_update_init() usually takes care of this, but in your example this is not being run immediately after reboot. I suspect that MCUboot is triggered to reboot into the know-working image still stored in flash.
You should be able to verify that this is the case by calling fw_update_is_pending_verify() which will return true if the newly received firmware needs to be verified.
From there, perform the steps that you deem necessary to validate your new firmware (our SDK waits for a connection to Golioth to ensure that still works).
Once you’ve validated the new firmware, call fw_update_cancel_rollback() to prevent MCUboot from rolling back to the old.
At this point, the device should update the server regarding the currently running firmware version. But right now I don’t see how to do that outside of golioth_fw_update_init() so I need to do some research and get back to you.
Alright. Thanks for the response. I will try changing the firmware include the fw_update_is_pending_verify() and fw_update_cancel_rollback() function and see if that resolves the issue.
// For OTA, we will spawn a background thread that will listen for firmware
// updates from Golioth and automatically update firmware on the device
if(nvs_read_golioth_upd()[0] == '1'){
golioth_fw_update_init(client, _current_version);
GLTH_LOGI(TAG, "Update Pending Verification");
} else {
GLTH_LOGI(TAG, "Update Verified");
However there is still an issue where the value on the Golioth console does not update, still showing the previous firmware version until the “update_firmware” rpc is called a second time. Is there a way to have the golioth console update the firmware change without running the update initialization at startup. The whole point of this is to allow users to control when the firmware is updated.
The device is responsible for notifying the Golioth server of its firmware version. In my last message I mentioned I didn’t know of how to do that manually, but there is indeed an API you can call with the version and a status message:
So after you have validated the image and cancelled the rollback, you can update the firmware status info shown on the Golioth console by calling something like:
status = golioth_ota_report_state_sync(client,
It is good to call this function at every reboot, even when we’re not coming off of an update, just to make sure what’s shown on the cloud is current.
Using that function resolves the issue of the console not updating on first restart. Thanks.
Looks like it is included in the Golioth_basics example for the latest SDK version as well. I’ve replacing Golioth basics with my own code when upgrading to new SDKs so it looks like I’ll need to pay attention for new functions in there going forward…