NRF Connect extension problems with new manifest file

Hi! I’ve been using manifest file from zephyr-training for some time and it worked great with T2 app, the problem comes when I upgraded manifest file to new version of SDK which is v0.15.0 - i’ve seen it being updated on your repo. Here comes the problem i tried it with my devcontainer and on local host same issue happening I dont see any boards and actions bar. I did try to set them manually with VSC still nth happens, the funny thing is it works with terminal perfectly. Any idea why it doesn’t work, and if im only one having problems with it?


  version: 0.7

    - name: golioth
      path: modules/lib/golioth-firmware-sdk
      revision: v0.15.0
      submodules: true
      west-commands: scripts/west-commands.yml
        file: west-ncs.yml
        path-prefix: deps

    - name: zephyr-network-info
      path: deps/modules/lib/network-info
      revision: v1.2.1

    path: golioth_iot

Ah and i get some pop ups when building with terminal, but it doesnt matter, the app builds

Hey @Dzolo,

In Firmware SDK v0.15.0, we introduced support for Zephyr v3.7, which uses the new hardware model v2, so the issue could be related to that. Since everything seems to work smoothly from the terminal, it appears this issue is related to VS Code. For further assistance, the Nordic DevZone might be a more helpful resource for this specific question.