Hi there,
I am currently working on how to use lightdb to control my LEDs. I have seen videos on YouTube and trying to implement but i didnt find this web page
The is one more video in youtube Using platformio to access lightdb to glow LEDs is there but for this MQTT server is disable by your end.
I have used https://github.com/golioth-zephyr-sdk/samples/lightdb_led this and cloned all the things
After opening serial montior it is showing a error
Like didnt enter jnto CBOR mode correctly.
Im blank now i have tried all the things …
Could you please tell me how to do it and please provide any references…
Hi Krishna,
Welcome to the forum! We had our subscriptions set up wrong, sorry we didn’t see this post earlier.
The link you sent to the docs is broken, but I’d love to get a better idea of what you’re trying to do? You’re currently using Golioth to attempt to light up LEDs? Could you tell me a bit more about:
- What hardware are you using?
- What does your platformio setup look like? We no longer support MQTT, as you noted, so I assume you were watching this unlisted video or looking at the blog post? Trying out Golioth with PlatformIO and Arduino Core - Golioth
Once you answer these questions, I should be able to get you on the right path.
Hello Chirs,
Thanks for your reply.
I’m using ESP32-WROOM-32E board for my setup. I tried to replicate what was told in the video, my platformio setup is similar to the one in video.
Ive also tried through Zephyr SDK but im getting a warning with no output. We’re unable to setup a connection to access LightDB.
I’m an amateur, so any help would be appreciated.
Could you send a link of which video you were watching specifically? It looks like your device is connecting to the cloud, so I assume it’s the more modern version using CoAP?
The warning on the last line makes me wonder if you have changed other parts of the sample?