How Golioth Hosts Zephyr Training; Join Us in August!

Originally published at: How Golioth Hosts Zephyr Training; Join Us in August! - Golioth

Golioth is your instant IoT cloud that lets you choose what hardware you want to use. We’re able to remain hardware agnostic because Zephyr RTOS has great cross-vendor support. As the fastest-growing RTOS, Zephyr is well worth learning, but we’ve found most people need a little help getting started. Golioth’s next free Zephyr training happens online on August 23rd. We hope to see you there! We’ve been hosting these free trainings for the past two years, and our approach has evolved over that time. Golioth’s Lead Developer Relations Engineer, Chris Gammell gave a talk on how we approach hosting remote training at the 2023 Embedded Open Source Summit. Anyone interested in teaching a remote course on embedded development will find this interesting as you will surely face the same challenges we have. Skipping the Dev Env Setup Process by Using Kasm The biggest challenge to teaching a new embedded OS is not in the coding work the attendees will be doing, but in setting up every build environment correctly. It takes time to install all the compilers and library code. This is further complicated by differences in attendee OS choices, versions, and existing configuration. We found that anywhere from 45 minutes to the entire training was gobbled up with this step. Kasm container running inside Firefoxs show VS Code with the Zephyr build process in a terminal window The solution we chose last fall is to pre-configure a build environment for all attendees. For an in-person training, this would best be done by providing a laptop to everyone that standardizes the experience. But we’re hosting training remotely, so we spun up a Kasm workspace so the build environment is loaded…

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