Hello, I’ve been trying to use the golioth-firmware-sdk to connect to my project and later have FOTA. It took me a while to configure the project to work with the sdk and it was a bit custom so I’ll explain what I did.
In the early stages of development my project began from the mqtt_sample from nrf connect sdk. The key thing about it is that it used the west.yml from C:/ncs/v2.6.0/nrf. Meaning it doesn’t have a yml file for the project. In order to add the golioth-firmware-sdk I added the following lines to the yml in the projects section:
I put them right when I connect to the network (via cellular). I tried setting the config to both PSK and TAG while configuring it according to the docs. Everything else is set to default. Now when I run the code I get the following errors again and again:
<err> golioth_coap_client_zephyr: Failed to connect to socket: -111
[00:00:03.172,729] <err> golioth_coap_client_zephyr: Failed to connect: -111
[00:00:03.172,729] <wrn> golioth_coap_client_zephyr: Failed to connect: -111
Lmk if you have any further questions and thank you in advance
EDIT: I’ve also tried v2.5.2 now and it didn’t fix the problem. Though the connection refused message is surprisingly quick
Thanks for posting! I have a few questions for you listed below:
• Is the device connected to the network before you attempt to connect to Golioth Cloud?
• Can you post the entire yml file you are using?
• Can you try to use our hello Zephyr example and see if the issue persists? It is easier to debug potential Golioth-related problems that way.
This is a co-worker who is working with the original poster.
We now have a problem when following the tutorial of “Hello Zephyr example”.
Everything works as expected, until the last step of flashing the device.
The correct credentials have been put in and verified, but after successfully building the project, and trying the west flash command, it gives us this error:
‘FATAL ERROR: one or more Python dependencies were missing; see the getting started guide for details on how to fix’.
As for your other questions:
I’m attaching the yml file.
# The west manifest file (west.yml) for the nRF Connect SDK (NCS).
# The per-workspace west configuration file, ncs/.west/config,
# specifies the location of this manifest file like this:
# [manifest]
# path = nrf
# See the west documentation for more information:
# https://developer.nordicsemi.com/nRF_Connect_SDK/doc/latest/zephyr/guides/west/index.html
version: "0.13"
# "remotes" is a list of locations where git repositories are cloned
# and fetched from.
# nRF Connect SDK GitHub organization.
# NCS repositories are hosted here.
- name: ncs
url-base: https://github.com/nrfconnect
# Third-party repository sources:
- name: zephyrproject
url-base: https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos
- name: throwtheswitch
url-base: https://github.com/ThrowTheSwitch
- name: armmbed
url-base: https://github.com/ARMmbed
- name: nordicsemi
url-base: https://github.com/NordicSemiconductor
- name: dragoon
url-base: https://projecttools.nordicsemi.no/bitbucket/scm/drgn
- name: memfault
url-base: https://github.com/memfault
- name: ant-nrfconnect
url-base: https://github.com/ant-nrfconnect
- name: babblesim
url-base: https://github.com/BabbleSim
- name: bosch
url-base: https://github.com/boschsensortec
# If not otherwise specified, the projects below should be obtained
# from the ncs remote.
remote: ncs
group-filter: [-nrf-802154, -dragoon, -find-my, -ant, -babblesim, -sidewalk, -bsec, +optional]
# "projects" is a list of git repositories which make up the NCS
# source code.
# For 'userdata' fields in the projects area, please refer to:
# https://developer.nordicsemi.com/nRF_Connect_SDK/doc/latest/nrf/dm_code_base.html
# The Zephyr RTOS fork in the NCS, along with the subset of its
# modules which NCS imports directly.
# https://developer.nordicsemi.com/nRF_Connect_SDK/doc/latest/zephyr/introduction/index.html
# https://developer.nordicsemi.com/nRF_Connect_SDK/doc/latest/zephyr/guides/modules.html
- name: zephyr
repo-path: sdk-zephyr
revision: v3.5.99-ncs1
# In addition to the zephyr repository itself, NCS also
# imports the contents of zephyr/west.yml at the above
# revision. Only the projects explicitly named in the
# following allowlist are imported.
# Note that the zephyr west extensions (like 'build', 'flash',
# 'debug', etc.) are automatically provided by this import, so
# there's no need to add a redundant west-commands: key for
# the zephyr project.
# Please keep this list sorted alphabetically.
- TraceRecorderSource
- canopennode
- chre
- cmsis
- cmsis-dsp
- cmsis-nn
- edtt
- fatfs
- golioth
- hal_nordic
- hal_st # required for ST sensors (unrelated to STM32 MCUs)
- hal_wurthelektronik
- liblc3
- libmetal
- littlefs
- loramac-node
- lvgl
- lz4
- mipi-sys-t
- nanopb
- net-tools
- nrf_hw_models
- open-amp
- picolibc
- segger
- tinycrypt
- tf-m-tests
- uoscore-uedhoc
- zcbor
- zscilib
# NCS repositories.
# Some of these are also Zephyr modules which have NCS-specific
# changes.
- name: hostap
repo-path: sdk-hostap
path: modules/lib/hostap
revision: dda5457ad2cfce99e333980c7764c8d480ae4010
upstream-url: https://w1.fi/cgit/hostap/
upstream-sha: e792f38db8471f35ee94f109a4093dece8f78c6a
compare-by-default: true
- name: wfa-qt-control-app
repo-path: sdk-wi-fiquicktrack-controlappc
path: modules/lib/wfa-qt-control-app
revision: d649bd1342215e089d4211757186705cda179013
upstream-url: https://github.com/Wi-FiQuickTrack/Wi-FiQuickTrack-ControlAppC
upstream-sha: 1225729e8d84075f03bf9fc51eee85d84dfb0091
compare-by-default: true
- name: mcuboot
repo-path: sdk-mcuboot
revision: v2.0.99-ncs1
path: bootloader/mcuboot
- name: qcbor
url: https://github.com/laurencelundblade/QCBOR
revision: 751d36583a9ce1a640900c57e13c9b6b8f3a2ba2
path: modules/tee/tf-m/qcbor
- name: mbedtls
path: modules/crypto/mbedtls
repo-path: sdk-mbedtls
revision: v3.5.2-ncs1
- name: nrfxlib
repo-path: sdk-nrfxlib
path: nrfxlib
revision: v2.6.0
- name: trusted-firmware-m
repo-path: sdk-trusted-firmware-m
path: modules/tee/tf-m/trusted-firmware-m
revision: v2.0.0-ncs1
- name: psa-arch-tests
repo-path: sdk-psa-arch-tests
path: modules/tee/tf-m/psa-arch-tests
revision: 94a349db22cd0e44136c281724ffc71b6e7391c3
- name: matter
repo-path: sdk-connectedhomeip
path: modules/lib/matter
revision: v2.6.0
- name: nlio
path: third_party/nlio/repo
- name: nlassert
path: third_party/nlassert/repo
- name: nlunit-test
path: third_party/nlunit-test/repo
- name: pigweed
path: third_party/pigweed/repo
- name: jsoncpp
path: third_party/jsoncpp/repo
upstream-url: https://github.com/project-chip/connectedhomeip
upstream-sha: 8f66f4215bc0708efc8cc73bda80620e67d8955f
compare-by-default: false
- name: nrf-802154
repo-path: sdk-nrf-802154
path: nrf-802154
revision: v2.6.0
- nrf-802154
- name: dragoon
# Only for internal Nordic development
repo-path: dragoon.git
remote: dragoon
revision: 36f0e50e876848fb02fd9f82cc32e57b91b15ced
submodules: true
- dragoon
- name: cjson
repo-path: sdk-cjson
path: modules/lib/cjson
revision: c6af068b7f05207b28d68880740e4b9ec1e4b50a
upstream-url: https://github.com/DaveGamble/cJSON
upstream-sha: d2735278ed1c2e4556f53a7a782063b31331dbf7
compare-by-default: false
- name: sidewalk
repo-path: sdk-sidewalk
revision: v2.6.0
- sidewalk
- name: find-my
repo-path: sdk-find-my
revision: v2.6.0
- find-my
- name: azure-sdk-for-c
repo-path: azure-sdk-for-c
path: modules/lib/azure-sdk-for-c
revision: 308c171cb4b5eed266649012a68406487ec81fb2
upstream-url: https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-c
upstream-sha: adc56bc6138a28b5490bce339a31a2581a072092
compare-by-default: false
- name: golioth
path: modules/lib/golioth
revision: v0.14.0
url: https://github.com/golioth/golioth-firmware-sdk.git
# import: west-external.yml
- name: cirrus
repo-path: sdk-mcu-drivers
path: modules/hal/cirrus-logic
revision: 3873a08377d93a479105a75ac390d3bbcd31d690
upstream-url: https://github.com/CirrusLogic/mcu-drivers
upstream-sha: 1be6ca7253133a21a1e9fe0fbb4656e17d63a936
compare-by-default: false
- name: openthread
repo-path: sdk-openthread
path: modules/lib/openthread
revision: b9dcdbca4edd348e924d7579a2bada48bf085645
upstream-url: https://github.com/openthread/openthread
upstream-sha: c6eaeda5a1c1c5dbb24dce7e027340cb8893a77b
compare-by-default: false
# Other third-party repositories.
- name: cmock
path: test/cmock
submodules: true
revision: f65066f15d8248e6dcb778efb8739904a4512087
remote: throwtheswitch
- name: memfault-firmware-sdk
path: modules/lib/memfault-firmware-sdk
revision: 1.6.0
remote: memfault
- name: ant
repo-path: sdk-ant
revision: fcfcd1bc801b0ad2ef08117c7a681514729a5c4b
remote: ant-nrfconnect
- ant
- name: bsim
repo-path: bsim_west
remote: babblesim
revision: 384a091445c57b44ac8cbd18ebd245b47c71db94
path-prefix: tools
- name: bme68x
repo-path: Bosch-BME68x-Library
remote: bosch
path: modules/lib/bme68x
revision: v1.1.40407
- bsec
- name: bsec
repo-path: Bosch-BSEC2-Library
remote: bosch
path: modules/lib/bsec
revision: v1.5.2400
- bsec
# West-related configuration for the nrf repository.
# This repository should be cloned to ncs/nrf.
path: nrf
# This line configures west extensions.
west-commands: scripts/west-commands.yml
error with west flash is Zephyr related and from the message: ‘FATAL ERROR: one or more Python dependencies were missing; see the getting started guide for details on how to fix it looks like you are missing dependencies from the scripts/requirements.txt file.
Hey marko,
We did just that and it worked. We flashes the hello sample and also the update_fw sample and both worked fine. Meaning it’s obviously a issue with our project’s configuration.
I’m now trying to create a new project and make the hello sample code work to see what configurations I’m missing.
I’ve began by copying the main.c and the net_connect.c into the main.c in my project and hardcode the credentials. After that I’ve copied the prj.conf and nrf9160dk_nrf9160_ns.conf into my prj.conf. And lastly I’ve added the Kconfig.defconfig into my Kconfig.
It’s still not working and I get the following errors:
MCUBoot bootloader key file: C:/Users/justa/Documents/rotal/Modem-Nordic-New/external/bootloader/mcuboot/root-ec-p256.pem
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: C:/Users/justa/Documents/rotal/Modem-Nordic-New/application/build_1/mcuboot
=== child image mcuboot - end ===
CMake Warning at C:/Users/justa/Documents/rotal/Modem-Nordic-New/external/nrf/modules/mcuboot/CMakeLists.txt:320 (message):
--- WARNING: Using default MCUBoot key, it should not ---
--- be used for production. ---
CMake Warning at C:/Users/justa/Documents/rotal/Modem-Nordic-New/external/nrf/cmake/partition_manager.cmake:79 (message):
--- WARNING: Using a bootloader without pm_static.yml. ---
--- There are cases where a deployed product can consist of ---
--- multiple images, and only a subset of these images can be ---
--- upgraded through a firmware update mechanism. In such cases, ---
--- the upgradable images must have partitions that are static ---
--- and are matching the partition map used by the bootloader ---
--- programmed onto the device. ---
Call Stack (most recent call first):
C:/Users/justa/Documents/rotal/Modem-Nordic-New/external/zephyr/cmake/modules/kernel.cmake:247 (include)
C:/Users/justa/Documents/rotal/Modem-Nordic-New/external/zephyr/cmake/modules/zephyr_default.cmake:138 (include)
C:/Users/justa/Documents/rotal/Modem-Nordic-New/external/zephyr/share/zephyr-package/cmake/ZephyrConfig.cmake:66 (include)
C:/Users/justa/Documents/rotal/Modem-Nordic-New/external/zephyr/share/zephyr-package/cmake/ZephyrConfig.cmake:97 (include_boilerplate)
CMakeLists.txt:2 (find_package)
Dropping partition 'nrf_modem_lib_trace' since its size is 0.
Dropping partition 'nonsecure_storage' since it is empty.
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also "C:/Users/justa/Documents/rotal/Modem-Nordic-New/application/build_1/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
See also "C:/Users/justa/Documents/rotal/Modem-Nordic-New/application/build_1/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log".
FAILED: build.ninja
C:\ncs\toolchains\c57af46cb7\opt\bin\cmake.exe --regenerate-during-build -SC:\Users\justa\Documents\rotal\Modem-Nordic-New\application -BC:\Users\justa\Documents\rotal\Modem-Nordic-New\application\build_1
ninja: error: rebuilding 'build.ninja': subcommand failed
FATAL ERROR: command exited with status 1: 'C:\ncs\toolchains\c57af46cb7\opt\bin\cmake.EXE' --build 'c:\Users\justa\Documents\rotal\Modem-Nordic-New\application\build_1'
What else is missing? I couldn’t find any more configuration files in the sample and it’s a bit weird that it’s not stated in the documentation or at least I couldn’t find them
It’s great that you were able to set up the build environment and that the hello and the fw_update samples are working.
Unfortunately, you are still experiencing issues related to project setup when trying to build a standalone application, which are hard to debug over the forum.
The best course of action is to start with our reference design template application, where all dependencies are downloaded in the deps folder, where the build system is correctly set up and the project instructions are straightforward and easy to follow.
Hey marko,
As per your advice I went to the reference design template application but instead of using it for a project I decided to copy the prf.conf. I had to change a couple of settings of course but now it’s working in my own project! From here I can slowly bring files from my original project into this one.
So thank you very much for your help!