When I make an API call to add a tag using ‘addTagId’ the tag is added, but existing tags, blueprints, and HW IDs are all removed. The update mask is blank, which should preserve other values. I’ve tried calling it from the Open API Docs | Golioth web page with the same result.
curl code to reproduce this issue is below. When calling this code the tag is added, but other tags, blueprints, and hardware IDs are all DELETED by this call.
curl -s -X 'PUT' 'https://api.golioth.io/v1/projects/'$projectid'/devices/'$deviceid -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'accept: application/json' -H 'x-api-key:'$token -H 'Authorization:'$token -d $jsondata | jq
Any ideas why?