Aborting due to Kconfig warnings - Undefined Symbol in Zephyr

[path]/app/prj.conf:19: warning: attempt to assign the value '14' to the undefined symbol ZVFS_EVENTFD_MAX

[path]/app/prj.conf:20: warning: attempt to assign the value '23' to the undefined symbol ZVFS_OPEN_MAX

error: Aborting due to Kconfig warnings

It’s that time again where I share a compilation error in Zephyr that it took me 20 minutes to get past, but I was just banging my head against the wall.

Once again, this was a silly error. It couldn’t find the symbols because the underlying libraries weren’t updated. The build system had no idea what ZVFS_x symbols were because they weren’t in any of the underlying builds.

The fix was to run west update to pull the latest versions of the library and the compile started working